织田信长、丰臣秀吉和德川家康为了争夺霸权,在尾张、三河和伊势地区进行了多次战斗。从战国时代(日本历史,约公元 1467-1568 年)到江户时代早期(1603-1867 年),在横跨现在的爱知县、岐阜县和三重县的尾张地区、三河地区和伊势地区建造了许多古城堡。在和平的江户时代,每个城镇都围绕着自己的城堡发展,古老的公路将它们连接起来。在本节中,我们将在过去的视频数据基础上添加无人机图像和其他数据,从而紧凑地介绍 30 多座古城堡。
Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Tokugawa Ieyasu fought many battles in the Owari, Mikawa, and Ise regions in their quest for supremacy. From the Sengoku period (of Japanese history, approx. 1467-1568 CE) to the early Edo Period(1603-1867), many old castles were built in the Owari, Mikawa, and Ise regions, which straddle present-day Aichi, Gifu, and Mie prefectures. In the Edo period, when peace prevailed, each town developed around its castle, and old highways connected them. In this section, more than 30 old castles are compactly introduced by adding drone images and other data to the video data we have covered in the past.
我于 1989 年加入 JTB(日本旅行局)。我主要关注企业销售。在我职业生涯的后半段,我经历过大型国际会议和体育盛事。例如,在2016年伊势志摩峰会上,我负责管理约40万名官员的接待工作。上届东京奥运会,我参与了前一年爱知县火炬传递的研究。我的专业领域之一是活动和会议的后勤工作,这些活动和会议要涉及大量人群,即所谓的 MICE。我也从事以旅游业为中心的城市发展相关工作。我目前正在通过体育参与城市发展。
I joined JTB(Japan Travel Bureau) in 1989.I have mainly focused on that corporate sales.In the latter half of my working life, I have experienced large international conferences and sports mega-events.For example, at the 2016 Iseshima SummitI was in charge of managing the reception of about 400,000 officials.For the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (to be held in 2021), I did research work in Aichi Prefecture for the torch relay the year before the event.One of my areas of expertise is the logistics of events and meetings that mainly involve large numbers of people,so-called MICE.I also worked in urban development-related work centered on tourism.I am currently involved in urban development through sports.
The Asian Games and Asian Para Games will be held simultaneously in Aichi and Nagoya in 2026.Approximately 15,000 athletes and officials will visit the Asian Games alone.About 4,000 people will also visit the Asian Para Games.I think the impact on the region will be quite significant.The economic ripple effects would be especially large.It is expected to have a social impact on local citizens. In order to build momentum,the Nagoya Sports Commission must also work in cooperation with the Aji Paralympic Organizing Committee, Aichi Prefecture, and Nagoya City.
Since the participating Asian people have their own unique customs, we need to create an environment that welcomes these visitors.Halal-compliant meals must also be served.Looking around Aichi Prefecture, there are not many restaurants and hotels that accept Halal.Religious influences are also involved.The need for a house of worship, the differences in lifestyle, etc., make it difficult for us to communicate this to the cities and towns of Aichi Prefecture.The roles of the Organizing Committee, Aichi Prefecture, and Nagoya City are different, but the most important issue is to unify the will and create a suitable environment for the participants.
The number of athletes involved was mentioned earlier, but other spectators also visit the area.It is necessary to create a mechanism to let these people know about Aichi and Nagoya.We will need to work with the organizing committee, but one idea is a package that includes tickets to the games, lodging, food and beverages, and merchandise sales.It is necessary to create a system for touring around Aichi Prefecture.Many of the visitors are first-time visitors to Japan. It is feared that visitors will get off at Nagoya station from Centrair and go to Tokyo, Kyoto, or Takayama for sightseeing in Japan after watching the games.We believe that it is necessary for all concerned to think about a mechanism for visitors to travel within Aichi Prefecture.
The first conference was held last December(2023). This year's Urban Sports exhibition will again be held in November, with a focus on BMX.The venue, Oasis 21 Galaxy Platform, is roofed.The roof allows the event to be held regardless of weather conditions.It is also located in the middle of the central city center Sakae.In the event conducted last year, a total of 28,000 people were confirmed as spectators by fixed-point camera measurements. We expect a significant turnout again this year.
Baseball5 and pickleball, hand-hit baseballs, are representative of new sports.Pickleball is a game in which players hit a plastic ball with holes in it with a racket on a court the size of a badminton court.There are many new sports like this one.We would like to foster a lifelong sport in Nagoya that can be played by everyone from children to the elderly without incurring operational costs.
It is said that using sports as a catalyst for collaboration between industry, government, and academia makes it easier to reach consensus among various stakeholders.We need to incorporate sports as a means of creating a particularly attractive city.